Wednesday, October 26, 2011


On me only...

I was the BEST at recording my pregnancy with Hailey, and the WORST at recording it with Paige. I really do cherish the pictures I took of myself with Hailey and I wish I'd done better with Paige, so this time around I've decided to take more belly pics. It's fun to look back and see if I'm bigger or smaller then I was in the past.

So here I am in my 17 week glory!
I'm feeling good...but still very tired!

I haven't felt any baby kicks yet (anterior placenta to blame for this)

I stopped my 'Insanity workout' a couple weeks ago because it was too much for me. I still try to ride to exercise bike 3-4 times a week. I remember with Paige's pregnancy that if I kept moving I felt a TON better. So that's my goal this time again.

I'm still morning sickness free! Sort of. I get nauseous here and there, but NOTHING like my other pregnancies.

We're going to find out what we're having on Halloween day (if the baby cooperates)

Hailey loves thinking up names for the baby (Princess, Raggedy Ann, Strawberry Fruitcake etc.)

Paige loves kissing my tummy and talking to the baby

Ben still hasn't quite accepted that another baby is on it's way.

Besides that we're just really busy around here with Ben working a LOT, School for Hailey, Super Saturday business for church, Teaching Piano, etc. I'm feeling a bit worn out...but this is the life I signed up for, so I'll gladly play along.


Sue-Zee said...

You look great! Can't wait to hear what you're having! Congrats again!

Francis Family said...

You are adorable! I'm excited to see what you are having! Ben sounds like Dustin, I don't think Dustin accepted it until she was born! ;)

Anonymous said...

Strawberry Fruitcake!
So cute and so funny.
You look wonderful!


Unknown said...

Wow, you look so great. Hailey should start thinking up boy names (hint hint)

Christine Hill said...

You do look awesome! It was nice seeing you the other day...we should do 'nothing' together some time soon when I get my sanity back:)