Monday, November 07, 2011

It's a...


Yes...we're having a surprise:

We went in for our 19 week ultrasound last week. We were desperate and excited to find out what we were having. I've felt like it was a boy this whole time, Ben was pretty sure it was going to be a boy too. We really don't have a preference either way though. I have pretty strong opinion about this actually. For some reason everyone seems to think that I NEED a boy. Well, I'd LOVE to have a boy. But I think a girl would be equally as fun! In fact it would be kind of magical! And contrary to popular don't need one of each to make a proper family. I am fully capable of LOVING the family I have, just the way it is!!

Can you tell I have a bit of an issue with this?

Anyway, on to the ultrasound. In the past my babies have been VERY much so that I have always been asked to come back again the next day because they had a hard time getting pictures of my busy baby. Not the case this time. This little baby just slept the whole time. The baby was curled up in a corner and didn't budge the whole time. This made for a quick and very easy ultrasound...until it came to getting leg and foot measurements as well as gender guessing!! The baby was in the perfect position to hide it's goods...which means we don't even have a good guess at all! With Paige, the ultrasound tech didn't get a good look, but still was able to tell us she was most likely a girl. This time was different...she couldn't even come close to guessing. At all!

So we got one grainy little profile picture (another hard one to get because the baby LOVED getting all squishy with my placenta...which doesn't make for good profile opportunities).

With this picture I at least I feel like there's a baby on it's way...even if we have no idea what we're having!

P.S. After this Ultrasound...I'm leaning towards it being a girl now!


Unknown said...

You don't need a boy, of course. I'm still predicting that it is one though, although the probability of the baby being a girl is way more likely.

People are just excited for you. She/He will be totally unique and new, no matter what the gender (as you already know. Your girls are so different from each other).

Anonymous said...

Yes, Emily, you said it right!
I'm looking forward to this new little one.

The Harker Family said...

I agree, we don't need both a boy and a girl. We get what HF sends us, and knowing that is wonderful in and of itself! Each one of those little souls, whether a girl or a boy, is meant to come to our family, and therefore is a such a sweet blessing regardless of gender. My parents had 3 girls and then a boy, and that was just fine with them. My in-laws had 4 boys, and that was just fine with them. Friends of mine had 4 girls and that was just fine with them. Can't wait to see what you are having. Based on the ultrasound pic, I'm going to guess boy....

Francis Family said...

yay for surprises! I think they are the best! And you know i'm definitely with you on the all girl thing! ;) I don't feel like i'm missing out on anything because this was the life I was meant to have :)
Besides, boys scare me.