Monday, January 23, 2012

A LOT of nothing

We've been up to a LOT of NOTHING, and that's just fine with me. I was VERY busy before Christmas, and life has seemed to slow down significantly since then. I'm just loving every extra minute I get to spend with these crazy Munchkins of mine. I'm also enjoying watching them play together. My closest siblings growing up were 4 and 5 years away from me, and although I LOVED playing with them I've never experienced a sibling close in age. So it's kind of interesting to see what kind of bond two years apart creates.

It apparently creates some weird-lings...

But it also brings out extreme levels of concentration when doing crafts together...

Maybe a little paranoia that some one's stealing her mom time?

And it also brings out some cute angelic profiles when there's a little quiet (and finally ALONE) time to be had...

But mostly, having these two little girls has brought on a LOT of adorable little cuddles like these..

They've created quite the little club...and I'm not sure if anyone else can even try to join. We'll just have to see what happens when we throw a third kidlet into the mix. If it's a girl, will she gain access to this exclusive club? Or if it's a boy....will he even care??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cute, cute photos. I love the mixer, matching aprons, and chocolate on the face one.