Sunday, March 04, 2012

36 Weeks

The countdown is ON!! 4 more weeks (give or take a bit) until this baby arrives! I'm feeling EVERY single week of these 36 weeks! I'm also feeling like I need every single second in these next 4 weeks to prepare myself mentally and emotionally for this baby. I'll be honest, I get pretty postpartum after I have babies and I'm not looking forward to meeting that crazy lady again. Pregnancy is a breeze for me...postpartum emotions/baby blues/depression...not so fun at all. I'm terrified actually. BUT I have some tools to help me through this time and hopefully things feel better, hopefully I feel better and hopefully everyone else can be patient with me.

Some of the things I'm excited about though are:
-holding my new baby and KNOWING I'm his/her number ONE!
-checking out this baby and learning and memorizing every part of her/him
-watching my girls love on this baby
-having an excuse for a messy house
-all the baby's 'firsts' - smile, laugh, etc
-nursing this baby...I LOVE nursing my babies!!
-middle of the night cuddles - ALONE time!

Now we just wait and see when this little one decides to arrive. 4 days early like it's sisters? Or earlier (wishful thinking)? Right on time? Or maybe it's going to be an April Baby and show up late. We'll see!


Randa said...

I do really enjoy march babies - it seems to be a favorite of mine =) Im super excited for you girlie! Either a boy or a girl will be an adventure so enjoy your quiet time for now =)

Ashley said...

I can't wait!!!! I hope you early. I just had a friend who delivered 2 weeks just after it was ok to have her baby. So just maybe :) Although april is a good month.

Francis Family said...

I love your perfectly round belly! You are all baby. I'm secretly hoping for another girl for you. ;)
Oh and I know how it is with postpartum. I had it with Laken for the first time. Hope yours isn't too bad this time.
Enjoy the next few weeks without a baby!

Anonymous said...

enjoy the next few weeks of waiting. You're lovely and your tummy is so cute.
