Sunday, May 05, 2013

Cait's Birthday

My blogging is really lacking lately....I'm just feeling so caught up in my everyday life that I'm having a hard time focusing anytime to recording it. So, here I am over a month behind and finally posting about Cait's  Birthday!

Timing was perfect for Cait's Birthday this year. All Ben's family happened to be in town so we had a little get together for her Birthday with a little Easter celebration on the side. It was great. We did a HUGE birthday for Hailey when she turned one, and then didn't do much of anything for Paige. Classic middle child. In our defense we had just put an offer in on a house, left for Holidays out of the country, and sometime while we were gone we had to officially buy the HOUSE! The house we'd only seen once...just three days before. And then we happened to move into that house less than two weeks later! It was a crazy busy few weeks and Paige's Birthday fell right in the middle of it. But we still had a cake, and family and a little party where we got to watch her one year video. A family tradition. So she certainly was not forgotten! And it most definitely loved.

Anyway...back to Cait. So we had fun opening presents...all the little girls in the family LOVED every single second of it! If they could open presents everyday of their lives I'm sure life would be complete. In fact...I should try that once in while...just re-wrap their toys. Genius! So Cait got spoiled! Of's hard to NOT spoil that baby girl!

Then we sat her down for cake. It took her a few minutes to warm up to the idea, but by the end she had us in tears! We were laughing so hard. She just gave the cake eating business her ALL! Two hands on the highchair tray...and face buried into that lovely cake! It was the perfect Birthday and we look forward to many many more with our sweet and silly baby Cait!

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