Seriously, there is something wrong with my genes because I'm two for two when it comes to tough kids. The thing is, Hailey was a hundred times easier as a newborn than Paige. I was really hoping for that 'easy as as can be' second child. We're between weeks 6 and 7 right now - when it's supposed to be getting easier according to...everyone, and well, it's NOT!
So Ben and I have discussed it and he's pretty sure it's my genes...I think it's his. His reasoning is that he was the easiest baby in the world plus he's the easiest person to get along with now - so there is no way a screaming baby is his fault. He's also pretty sure that even though my mom says I was her easiest baby - that she's just saying that because she has to. And he also thinks my personality today plays a role in it all - read: I'm obviously not that easy to get along with. I'm pretty sure it's his genes that are causing this reasoning? Well, I'm not that easy to get along with, so I don't need any reasoning :) Ha ha ha.
Anyway, I'm sort of at the end of my rope with this kid. I thrive on structure and routine (ok...honestly I thrive on sleep - a good 9-10 hours of it, and I'm just not getting it). I'll be so much happier once Paige is on a schedule, but right now she's soooo far from figuring it out! I need her to sleep properly, and to eat properly and to stop screaming all the time. She's just not a happy camper. But she's just soooo sweet, sweet enough that I'll keep her around a bit longer! For example, this moring, after a particularly rough night I held her in my arms, tears still fresh on my cheeks, and said in my exhausted and somewhat defeated kind of voice:
Paige, please do better
And her reply?
The sweetest most adorable smile ever.
It's not her fault, she's obviously just so uncomfortable, and we're really really hoping something works soon. We're not sure what it will be, but she surely can't be like this forever! Right??
Anyway - Paige-alicious, we love you! We're really so happy to have you in our family!! Hailey loves having a sister, Dad loves having another pretty girl to show off, and I just love you!!