Isn't that the craziest thing you've ever heard? I know it happens to everyone, but wow, MY baby? No way. I can NOT believe that the tiny little thing I held in the hospital one year ago...the one who looked at me with the faintest bit of recognition; the one who cried and cried and cried until we figured out she had reflux; who made us cry with her sweetest first smile; who took 7 months to learn to roll over, and 9.5 months to learn to crawl, and only 4 more weeks after that to walk; the girl who could jump for hours in the jolly jumper and still want more; the baby who would not all; that tiny little thing who somehow grew up to be a walking ... babbling ... cuddling ....happy little baby, is now a TODDLER!! I just can not believe it. And somehow, when everyone said that time would fly I didn't think they were telling the truth. And although those first 6 weeks did NOT fly past by any means, the rest of this first year has been a blur. A blur of memories that I'm so grateful for. I'm so grateful that I got to keep Hailey...and I know it sounds weird, but I just never imagined I'd actually be able to bring a baby home from the hospital and watch her grow up. I never imagined the joy I would feel when she looked up into my eyes the first time...and then how much better it got each day. Like today, when she just wanted to cuddle all day. Forget the laundry and the floors that desperately need to be washed. I have a little girl that suddenly wants to cuddle with her mom, and I'm totally fine with that. Totally fine.
Anyway, here are some pictures I wanted to share from the last few days. This last weekend was an awesome weekend for Ben's family. Ashley...his baby sister is going on a mission, so we spent the weekend down south with them as we said goodbye and hung out one last time. She had her farewell on Sunday...which means she gave a great talk in church and then we all got together for an AWESOME lunch after at the farm. We had fun. I forgot to take pictures, but someone did capture this cute one of Ben and Hailey:
And then, on Hailey's actual Birthday we had the lowest lowest key gathering you could have. During the day, my parents came out to give Hailey her B-day present which they absolutely could NOT wait to give her....and I'm so glad they made the trip, because the babe LOVED it!
And here is one of Hailey and her G-ma and G-pa
Ok, I'm so totally in love with that picture. Hailey is so in love with her G-ma...and you can tell because she's resting her head on my moms face. Now if you know Hailey, that's the best kind of cuddle she gives. It just makes my heart melt to see her love on someone like that.
And onto this one of Hailey and I:
Oh and of course I have to share this one of Laura's little girl Heidi and Hailey...oh man, they are so cute together.
And next is the cupcakes I made last minute with a baby in my arms. She didn't want to be put down, so if you look closely, you'll see the sloppy decorating (i.e. the polka dots are actually spikes, the plaid stripes don't line up, and so on). But I still think they're cute:
And then a few of her waiting for her cupcake...and then eating it. funny thing about the cupcake. The pictures I took do not match the video we took. Wonder why? Well, Ben thought he was recording...hmmm, it turns out the guy who is total control freak, super organized, never messes anything up, and is the best (or worst??) perfectionist I know, somehow forgot to press record. hehehehe...Ben doesn't read the blog, so he can't defend himself; am I evil or what??? Anyway, enough ripping on Ben. So after the whole first Birthday, cake smashing, icing in the hair incident was over, we realized there was no recording of it. So of course, me being the blond I heart at least...I said half crying "oh well, there's always next year". And then Chris and Lauren...being the problem solvers they are, suggested we just wash Hailey down and give her a new cupcake...Hello...brilliant!! So that's what we did. We now have pictures of one cupcake, a video of the other, and a totally sugar high baby. But it was fun. picture. Hailey opening a little kiddie pool from us...after the MUCH needed bath:
And that's it, I think I've reached my quota of least for today that is. There's always tomorrow.
Oh Meagan...don't make me cry...I totally understand the feelings. Even I can't believe Alisa is already 7 months, I can't believe even my labor was so bad but she is so healthy happy baby...
Anyway Happy Birthday Hailey!
Alisa loves you so much!!!
These are really nice pictures! Love it!
Happy birthday Hailey!
Time goes way to fast eh? I've been really thankful for the few times i've sat down and written down what howie has been up to at different times the past 2 years. I would have never remembered some things!
What a special post! She is one special and lucky girl to have such a great mommy to document all her happenings! I wish I could have stayed for the cupcake party! I love the classic first birthday cake photo!
Ok between facebook and talking on the phone and now this, you are probably sick of me today, i'll leave you alone....
Sweet post Meagan! Hailey is such a doll and is such a content little baby! Loved watching her! Come visit again anytime. Happy Birthday Hailey. Wish we lived closer and you could have shared those DARLING cupcakes with me! Nice work Meagan!
What a wonderful post. I'm just all smiles reading your words and looking at your pictures. Beautiful, lovely, wonderful Hailey Babe - G-Ma loves you too!
Love, Gramma W.
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