Thursday, December 17, 2015

More Christmas prep

It's been an incredibly busy fall/winter. I feel like I'm drowning in stress the majority of the time. I'm not even sure how to make it better, we've simplified in so many ways, but still we're overwhelmingly busy. However, when you've got kids and it's Christmas you have no choice but to keep in truckin'. So we did, but we simplified so much. Instead of our usual activity nativity calendar we bought a Lego one. We still did most of the activities I would usually do with the calendar, just at a more relaxed pace. No one complained. The girls all got new dresses/skirts for Christmas Sunday (I made the skirts) and they looked like angels! Such sweet little girls. We did some baking, we decorated the house and most importantly we decorated the gingerbread house. I LOVE this tradition. I don't get involved, I just really really love watching my girls get messy and creative, and I especially love the icing mustaches at the end. This year I feel like more candy made it in their mouths than on the house, and I'm not just saying that, I REALLY mean it! Which is's going to get eaten anyway, might as well be before it's hard and gross right??

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