Me: Hey Ben...I just figured it out. Our power must have gone out right around midnight and then come back on ten minutes later because all our clocks are ten minutes behind.
Ben: hmmmmm....interesting (said while trying to ignore me and read his Diesel Magazine...who reads diesel magazines anyway??)
Me: I'm serious, it's really important because now I know why I've been late all this week
Ben: Late for what?
Me: All my meetings!
Ben: Meetings??
Me: You know, like my tv shows, the mid afternoon nap, etc. I've been ten minutes late for all of it. So now I know.
Ben: Wow.
So there you have it, another glimpse into our lives. Fascinating hey?
Anyway, here are some recent pics. Hailey is constantly amazing us with the funny and silly things she does. Here are some examples:
Every once in a while we have a day like this....actually more often then not. But it's still fun!
She loves her baths...she loves her ladybug towel...she loves standing at the door and dreaming of playing in basement full of dangerous things that she's not allowed to touch.