Sunday, March 01, 2009

Wipe out...

So last week when we got our new carpet in our basement, I was bragging about how soft and luxurious it was...which obviously led to my mom warning me that I needed to be careful on the stairs. Her reasoning is that the carpet is soooo soft that I may not notice the edge of the step and slip - and of course because of my ever expanding belly, I can't see the stairs any more and my balance is off. all good daughters do, I immediately dismissed my moms warning and filed it away with other crazy warning she's given - like don't put your head outside the car window because it might get chopped off...or a pencil will stab you in the eye or something crazy. And then like all good daughters eventually do, I learned that my mom was right (not about the pencil in the eye thing - at least not yet).

BUT....I wiped out big time on the stairs on Friday -resulting in a good hour of crying, a sleepless night and a wonderful little invalid ring to sit on. LOVELY. So the good things first - I landed on my tail bone and nothing else - so things are going to be ok. It's just a useless bunch of pain. Another good thing - it happened on Friday, meaning that Ben was home all weekend to help with Hailey. And my parents were able to come out and help on Saturday too!

The bad things?? I crushed my tailbone 13 years ago in a little skiing mishap...which means I had to have some very special luck to hurt whatever tiny fragment of it is left. And boy does it hurt! Another bad thing?? Combine a broken/bruised tailbone with 'Diastasis symphysis pubis' and you're in serious pain! I just got diagnosed with premature separation of my pubic bone last week - which basically means I can't sit, or laydown or walk without pain. And now because of my tailbone, I really can't sit, or laydown or walk without pain.

So it's all pretty funny though - what are the odds? I guess when you consider who I am and the 'special' luck I've had all my life, I should have known that something dumb like this would happen. I'm really not complaining though - I'm just laughing at myself. Because what's not to laugh about when you picture me sliding down the stairs?? I can guarantee it was funny to see!

Anyway, I just had to share, because most likely I'm going to take a bit of a break from this little blog because sitting for more then....well any amount of time hurts too much. So I've got to limit my down time to when I really really need it, like at night when I should be asleep! So I'll be back...soon.


Christine Peterson said...

Oh Meagan....I've done the same thing, so has Bruce and all the times with Taylor in our arms. Sheesh, it hurts, my Dad had his tailbone cut down a bit (surgically) so....I know it can be painful. I should tell you a story one day. Anyway I hope you feel better...I will call you to check up on you.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen you forever! So sorry to hear about your wipe-out. I was just telling Jan about it, and she gave the advice (as all good sisters do) that you need to take something called Lecithin - she took it for when her bones and ligaments were separating during pregnancy. She's a fan.

Francis Family said...

Meagan I am right there with ya! I have fallen down the stairs a few times and I have also fallen UP the stairs quite often. And one time it was bad I almost knocked myself out! and I bashed my neck and back pretty good(going down) But then again I wasn't pregnant! You are crazy and i'm glad you can laugh about it and not let it get you down. Hopefully you'll be able to enjoy the rest of the pregnancy. How far along are you now?

Anonymous said...

Owww, I'm still cringing. And I really wish this Mom-advice was just that, something to hear and file away -- and NOT experience!
I hope every day is a better day.
Love and hugs,

Anonymous said...

Ah! The early separation! One of the reasons I can't have any more kids. So painful! And I remember falling on my tailbone when pg with Tobin, and know what? After the initial pain subsided it seemed to actually have knocked the separation down to bearable. Weird eh? I miss you! If I still lived around the corner I'd take Hailey for you :(

Randa said...

I think i am going to be very careful on my stairs for the next while! I already copied your burn story and dont think i can handle copying this one as well! I hope you heal quickly girl and that whatever drugs you get help with the pain! take care.

Anonymous said...

Oh my...just reading this made me hurt. I can't even imagine but it sure sounds painful. I wish I could help you out more (bring a meal at least or something!). Hang in there!!!! I hope the pain improves! My heart really goes out to you! As if being pregant isn't hard on your body enough!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! Poor you! That is so so crazy! I'm so sorry to hear about your fall! But, I'm glad that you and the baby are okay, despite the pain you are going through. You know what- I did the very same thing when I was 4 months pregnant. It was night and I didn't bother to turn the lights on as I walked down the stairs. To top it off, I had my hands full of books and therefore was not holding on to the rail. So, when I hit the fourth last stair I went flying and landed on my butt on the hardwood. It was such a loud bang that Ben who was studying in his office downstairs came running upstairs in a panic. I was totally fine, but frightened. So, I know how you feel. But, I didn't have any pain, so poor you! If you need ANYTHING please let me know okay! Hope you feel better soon!

Annette said...

Owwwwww. Next time listen to your Mom, OK?