So, the stockings. My mom knit these stocking for my little family. And they are honestly the cutest, coolest stockings I've ever seen. I'm almost tempted to have another baby so that my mom can make another one....because I want MORE! They're that cute. Don't you agree?

They're also HUGE! So lots of stocking stuffing will have to happen on Christmas Eve.

I love advent Calendars (I've got quite a few and I want more) but this is the main one this year. Each tin either has either an activity or a treat inside, and the girls get so excited when we open one each day. Cute hey?

One of the activities was to make a snowman. However, the organizer of activities may not have thought this particular one through, since the day we needed to make a snow man the snow was all icy and definitely not in snowman making shape. So we make a snow inukshuk instead. It worked for Hailey and her friend Denver....I think.

The advent calendar also told us to make cookies and decorate them...yummy

Other activities in the Calendar include: Eating a special breakfast with Christmas music, drive around to look at lights, watch a special Christmas movie, make popcorn garland, hang a mistletoe and get kisses under it, and make gingerbread houses. We're excited!
In other exciting news, we went to my parents ward Christmas party this last weekend. Santa was there, and Hailey was soooo excited to see him. Maybe a little nervous too.

This picture I had to post for my own memory (it's a bit blurry and I wish I was better with my camera so I could avoid these kind of problems). Anyway, this shows just how nervous she was. She never makes this smile, she never stands this still, she never listens this well. But when she's in line for Santa, she'll do anything.

And Finally our picture with Santa for the year:

We're looking forward to Christmas this just seems like it gets better ever year. Plus, there might be a very very cool gift for the girls under the tree this's a secret for now, but I can't wait to post about it!!
That picture of Denver is hilarious. What a weirdo!
I love those stockings, they're gorgeous!
LOVE the stockings! I want homemade ones so bad. Maybe next year.
I love your advent calendar, I wish I made one like that. I might steal some of your fun ideas though!
What the heck is a inucshuk? It's hilarious whatever it is.
Love the santa pic too. Hailey is way to cute. I love how they get to the age of understanding things like Christmas. It's so much more fun!
Hope you guys have a great Christmas down there!!
oh ps: I did that online Santa thing for Kyla, and didn't "pre listen" to it before showing her, and they pronounced her name KAYLA. It was hilarious. She didn't care I just told her that's how they pronounce it at the north pole. haha. Dustin and I got a good laugh out of it.
I Love your stockings! It was fun seeing you this weekend. You & your Dad did awesome in the program! Love the picture with your girls & Santa!
I wish I knew about the warm party! I totally would have crashed the party too! What did you do in the program? Our ward did a lame adult only party this yea, I hate it when they do that! So no Santa for us, I considered taking them to the mall, but it just sounds like too much work, lol. I love Hailey's shoes in her Santa picture by the way! And love your advent calendar, mine is similar, the one i made with you and Sarah last year with the muffin tin. Cute idea!
Oh my goodness. I was just thinking the other day if I could find a cream sweater big enough to make 6 stockings out of it! You Mom knit those! Tell her I have some business for her! Love all the fun things your family is doing!
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