Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Favourite Activities

I've been pretty beat up these last few weeks...cold/cough/stomach flu etc. I even spent a few late night hours in Urgent care here in town getting Fluids through IV to treat my dehydration. I'm getting pretty wiped out and as a result my girls are getting GREAT at playing on their own...which is good training for when the baby does come. We play lots of games that involve Mom hanging out on the couch doing nothing. One of our favourites is painting. Santa brought them a paint easel for Christmas (along with every accessory imaginable) and therefor we've been creating a LOT of masterpieces around here. The girls LOVE it and I love that my only involvement is opening paint bottles and squirting it onto their plates (along with singing praises to them and their beautiful artwork). Hailey usually paints pictures of people following the star to find Baby Jesus, and Paige just paints lots of fireworks. Totally indicative of their personalities.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You DD's playing while you are resting on the couch reminds me of when I was expecting our youngest and our five year old was sooooo good at playing with Strawberry Shortcake and other small toys by my side. Either on the bed with me or on the floor. It runs in the family. ;)